Ecumen Century Club: Happy 100th Birthday Philip Dufresne

Ecumen honors Philip Dufresne, a resident of Ecumen Scenic Shores in Two Harbors, Minn., who is 100 today.


Ecumen honors Philip Dufresne, who is 100 today.

Born: June 20, 1914, Hebron, N.D.

Residence: Ecumen Scenic Shores, Two Harbors, Minn.                           

Hobbies/Interests: Hunting and fishing

Family: 2 children and 7 grandchildren.  Married to Delores “Pat,” who died in 1971.

Occupation: Foreman on the ore docks

Secret of Longevity: “No smoking is the main one. And lots of walking!”

Interesting Facts: Philip still walks one mile every day.

Congratulations on your 100th Birthday, Philip! Ecumen honors you.