Vital Aging Forum: Transforming Long-Term Care Financing, You’re Invited, Feb. 9th

Tuesday – February 9, 2010
10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Rondo Community Outreach Library, 461 N. Dale St. St. Paul, MN 55103

LaRhae Knatterud, MN Department of Human Services (moderator)
Patti Cullen, Care Providers of Minnesota
Stacy Becker, Citizens League
Thomas Devine, DAVID Agency

Finding effective and affordable new models in long-term care financing will require changes in both individual behavior and policies.  Come to this forum to understand the issues and opportunities for long-term care in the future.
Patti Cullen will explore current and future long-term care models. Stacy Becker will talk about aging-in-place and, particularly, how these models deal with memory care. LaRhae Knatterud will offer the state perspective of long-term care policies and the direction it plans to go. Tom Devine, will discuss long-term care insurance.