Ecumen Century Club: Happy 102nd Birthday Florence Hovda

Ecumen wishes a happy birthday to Florence Hovda, who is 102 today.  She is a resident of Ecumen Oaks & Pines in Hutchinson, Minn.

Ecumen honors Florence Hovda who is 102 today.

Born: May 27, 1912, Sumter Township, Minn.

Residence: Ecumen Oaks & Pines, Hutchinson, Minn.

Hobbies/Interests: Crocheting, reading, sewing, braiding wool rugs.

Family: 3 children, 4 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren.  Married twice: to a farmer and a carpenter.

Occupation: Homemaker and taught in a rural school, where grades 1-8 were in one building. 

Secret of Longevity: “Nothing special. I lived an ordinary, simple life.  Maybe that is the secret.”

Congratulations, Florence Hovda, on your 102nd birthday! Ecumen honors you.