Ecumen Century Club: Happy 101st Birthday Ethelyde “Toni” RasmussonJune 13, 2014|In Our Blog|By origineightEcumen honors Ethelyde “Toni” Rasmusson, a resident at Ecumen of Litchfield, who is 101 today. Ecumen honors Ethelyde “Toni” Rasmusson, who is 101 today. Born: June 13, 1913, Lake Lillian, Minn. Residence: Ecumen of Litchfield, Litchfield, Minn. Hobbies/Interests: Relaxing in her recliner and doing word puzzles. Family: 1 child and 1 grandchild. Married to Clifton, who died in 1982. Occupation: Farming with her husband. Continued to live on the farm until she moved to Ecumen of Litchfield in 2008. Secret of Longevity: “I guess I’m just healthy.” Interesting Facts: Toni came from a family of eight children, and she is now the only living sibling. Congratulations, Toni Rasmusson on your 101st birthday! Ecumen honors you. Fifty Years of Transformation at Ecumen Detroit LakesLast Week's Top 5 Blog Posts- June 16