Nonprofits Need Your Help

In their search for ways to avoid the “fiscal cliff,” United States Congress is considering capping or eliminating tax deductions for charitable giving. In Ecumen’s home state of Minnesota, 5,000 nonprofit organizations receive $3 billion in charitable contributions annually. Reducing or eliminating charitable deductions could create a cascading series of devastating fiscal cliffs across the Minnesota and the rest of the country.

Join Ecumen in supporting charitable giving deductions, empowering nonprofits to continue their important work. Contact your legislators today and let them know you oppose capping or eliminating deductions for charitable giving.

1. Call 888-277-8686 to leave a message letting your member of Congress know that you oppose capping or eliminating charitable tax deductions.

2. Send an email to your member of Congress.  Click on Ecumen’s Advocacy Alert for instructions. 

Read the StarTribune article, “Solving ‘fiscal cliff’ puts charity writeoffs at risk,” and see LeadingAge advocacy feature, “Fiscal Cliff Call-In: Capping Charitable Giving Deduction Is Not The Solution,” for more insight on this issue.