Medicaid Planners And The Great American Rip-Off

Someone recently told me they know a lawyer who can help with Medicaid planning.  Basically this "professional" helps people hide assets so they qualify for Medicaid and get their care paid for by government.

Such "professionals" are ripping off America and are a slap in the face to the thousands of real professionals who provide stellar care and services across the United States in an underfunded system and to the people who save and plan for their own care and services. 

Absent a full-coverage national insurance plan, all of us who are not in poverty (real poverty, not the artificially-induced kind) need to share in responsibility for our own care or supportive services.  That’s one reason why long-term care financing reform must be part of comprehensive health care reform. 

Earlier today, this showed up in my inbox.  It’s from a "professional."  It’s entitled "How to Let Medicaid Pay for Your Own Long-Term Care."    It’s certainly not what America will celebrate this Saturday, July 4th.