The Aging Revolution by Wesley Enhanced Living

I’m a revolutionary.’ Those are the words Jeff Petty, CEO of Wesley Enhanced Living in Philadelphia opened up Wesley’s Aging Revolution Conference in Philly. What he meant by a revolutionary is that he’s part of an organization that is ‘changing aging’ and revolutionizing how we serve our customers and prepare for tomorrow.The thought-provoking event included breakout sessions on e-seniorhood of 2027, discussions of how to better deliver housing and services, a keynote by Senator John Glenn, and a presentation by U.S. Comptroller General David Walker of the need to deliver new solutions on Medicare and Medicaid spending. Here’s a look at other revolutionaries who spoke.One extremely innovative revolutionary was Tobey Gordon Dichter, founder and CEO of the non-profit Generations On Line. She has made the internet highly accessible and affordable for seniors who live in assisted living or nursing homes. Helping seniors cross the digital divide, she’s also shattering stereotypes. Look at the top terms (in no particular order) that seniors look for on the internet based on a study her company did. They don’t look much different from non-seniors’ search terms.- Culture/history- News- Names- Travel- Hobbies- Religion- Sports- Food & Wine- Politics/Issues- Health/Fitness-Education/Employment- Sex- Personal finance- CarsKudos to Wesley Enhanced Living on being Leaders, Revolutionaries and hosting a great conference.