We Want Your Thoughts – The Aging Services Customer Experience

Can you spare a minute, and respond to this post (just click on comments below to respond)? We want your thoughts.You might have seen this in the news.

Angie’s List — which has 600,000 members nationwide — built its business by providing a forum for its customers to rate painters, roofers and other service providers. Now, the company allows members to log on to www.angieslist.com to share their real-life experiences with local doctors, from the cleanliness of waiting rooms to the physician’s bedside manner. It’s the latest sign that ‘consumerism’ is becoming a driving force in health care.

Aging services is all about people. It seems that creating an online forum for customers to share good reviews and bad reviews about assisted living, home care, etc., is an idea whose time has come – probably yesterday. Yes, you’d likely get some mean people who abuse it, but it seems that a moderator could screen those types of situations. You’d also likely get insights that need correction and attention. Also, when someone has something good to say, others would see it in that person’s very real words. That’s better than any type of advertising could be. It also could be a very helpful tool for people navigating the mouse-in-the-maze health care and aging services systems.

What do you think? What am I missing? Other ideas?