The State of Aging Technology

Seniors, which are so often stereotyped as technophobes,’ ‘get’ technology, especially if it’s going to help them live independently. In fact, according to a AARP report released on Friday called Healthy@ Home most U.S. seniors desire telemedicine, telepharmacy and sensor technology, such as that which Ecumen customers use.Misconceptions of Adult ChildrenAccording to the report, 8 out of 10 caregivers (which are mostly adult children) say that their parents would push back on using such technology. We’ve seen just the opposite. Once the kids and parents talk with each other about the benefits of the technology, it becomes a no-brainer to use it. Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) ReportsCAST has introduced three new reports on the State of Technology in Aging Services. One report looks at technologies available to consumers now and what’s in development. The second looks at barriers for getting more technologies to market and suggestions for overcoming those barriers. And the third provides a summary of the two reports.Aging Services Technology Whitepaper by EcumenYou can download our whitepaper on aging services technology here. And learn more about technology in use at Ecumen.