Revisiting the Rescued Ecumen Coyote
If you’re wondering how the rescued Ecumen coyote is doing, here’s your update.
If you’re wondering how the rescued Ecumen coyote is doing, here’s your update. It’s been a month and half since Ecumen Home Office employees and Ramsey County Sheriff’s deputies went to great lengths to save her from freezing to death and sent her to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota (WRC) for treatment.
(If you have no idea what this is all about, start by reading the heartwarming story of the coyote’s unlikely rescue.)
“The coyote is continually improving a bit every day,” said Tami Vogel, Communications Director of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota. “We expect this upward trend to continue until she’s released.”
But that could be another six to eight weeks. She had a severe case of mange, causing her to lose all her fur. She can’t go home until it grows back.
“When she first came in, we weren’t sure she’d make it through the first night or 48 hours,” Tami said. But she rebounded after intensive care treatment and started eating again. She’s gained almost four and a half pounds.
“Now the challenge is how to safely keep an energetic, healthy coyote safe from herself in captivity while her fur grows back in,” Tami said, noting that keeping animals healthy in a foreign, human environment is one of the major challenges of rehabilitation. The center’s experts take great care to make sure the coyote doesn’t get domesticated.
In the accompanying photo, WRC Veterinarian Renee Schott examines the coyote's paw during a recheck exam while vet tech student Cora monitors the coyote's heart rate. The coyote is anesthetized, allowing the medical team to do a very thorough exam. For more details, go to the WRC’s Facebook post at this link. For more information about the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota and its mission go to the website.