New Poll on Health Care Provides Lesson for Going About Change

One of the details of health care we’ve been focused upon at Ecumen is The CLASS Act.  It’s a good idea that will come back even if health care reform goes away.  There are other good ideas wrapped in the health care bills, too.  But few of us know about them.

Where would health care be today if we actually would have had a national discussion of those ideas rather than a free-for-all shoutfest?  What if there were 5 points for us to focus upon instead of vagueness?  Chances are the President would be highlighting the passage of health care reform in tonight’s State of the State Address.

A new poll by the non-partisan Kaiser Family Foundation finds that Americans are divided over congressional health reform proposals, but also that large shares of people, including skeptics, become more supportive after being told about many of the major provisions in the bills.  The poll also finds that even after a year of substantial media coverage of the health reform debate, many Americans remain unfamiliar with key elements of the major bills passed by the House and Senate . . .

Information . . . made easy to understand . . . and shared with people . . . is a powerful thing . . .