Lessons in Leadership From Elmer Andersen

Elmer Andersen, the former Governor of Minnesota, entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist, was a model for successful aging. He died in 2004. This month’s Twin Cities Business Magazine features Ecumen CEO and president Kathryn Roberts discussing the impact that Governor Andersen had on her leadership style. Below is the article: ‘I met Elmer Andersen in the early 80s, when I was running the management analysis division of the Minnesota Department of Administration. I was asked to lead the staff support for a task force that was to make recommendations to the governor and the legislature on how post-secondary education should be organized in the future. Former Governor Elmer Andersen was chair of that group.‘I was 20-something. I walked into the first meeting and everyone had gray hair; the average age was probably mid-70s. I thought, ‘How the heck is this going to work? This group is supposed to develop new ideas.’ But it was the most provocative, insightful, dare-to-be-different kind of conversation I had ever participated in – and it was all fueled by Elmer.‘I was wowed by his charm, his intellect, and his vision, which were apparent the moment you walked into his circle of light. Elmer had a sage leadership, a professional courtesy for everybody. He gave people permission to talk, to generate ideas, and to give their opinions. He had this quiet, thoughtful presence that exuded leadership.‘I learned a lot about leadership of groups from him and how to synthesize that into a product. In addition to being a leader who brought people with disparate thoughts together — which I try to model — Elmer was a man of high integrity. I got from him an understanding of what a public servant was. For Elmer, it really was a higher calling.’Who has impacted your leadership style? How?