Larry King Celebrates 50 Years of Chatter.
Larry King, the CNN talk show host, is celebrating his 50th anniversary of interviewing some of the biggest names. Work is an integral part of Larry’s life. Like the baby boomers in our Age Wave study, Larry King is going to continue doing what he loves: his work. At 73, Larry has no plans to retire.
He’s changing aging and there will be many more like him who continue doing the things they enjoy as they get into their 70s, 80s and beyond. That is going to cause advertisers to get with it. Several years ago USA Today dropped Larry’s column because of ‘demographics.’ What they meant was that Larry was too often writing about people such as Frank Sinatra who was no longer alive.
Larry asked this question in an interview with Minneapolis Star Tribune writer Neal Justin. The Larry King profile is in today’s paper. ‘[On Larry King Live], there’s a lot more emphasis on whether we’ll appeal to people 25 to 42. I still don’t understand that if a guy is 65, gainfully employed and last year bought a Cadillac and this year might be thinking about a Lexus or a Lincoln, why we don’t want him?’
Smart, effective advertisers will put agesim in a box and bury it forever.