Grand Village Residents Help With Nation’s Capitol Christmas Tree Decorations
Residents of Ecumen-managed Grand Village in Grand Rapids, Minn., helped handcraft ornaments for the Capitol Christmas Tree, which was lit Tuesday night.
Residents of Ecumen-managed Grand Village in Grand Rapids, Minn., joined people from across Minnesota to handcraft thousands of ornaments for the nation's Capitol Christmas Tree, which was lit Tuesday night. The tree was cut from the Chippewa National Forest in Minnesota and made a 2,700 mile, 30-stop journey to Washington, D.C.
During many crafting sessions, Grand Village residents made 80 ornaments, which had to be between 9 and 12 inches and viewable from both sides.
A MinnPost story on the lighting ceremony quotes Minnesota Rep. Rick Nolan assessment of the tree: “What’s really great about it is it’s right smack dab here at the Capitol, but there’s nothing remotely partisan about it. It reminds us we are all one nation, one people.”