Ecumen Century Club: Happy 105th Birthday Lillian Oberg

Ecumen honors Lillian Oberg, a resident of Ecumen Bethany Community, who is 105. 

Ecumen honors Lillian Oberg, who is 105. 

Born: October 3, 1910 on a farm in North Dakota.

Residence:  Ecumen Bethany Community, Alexandria, Minn.            

Hobbies/Interests: Crocheting, watching TV and visiting.

Family: 5 children, 11 grandchildren. Married to Alex for more than 50 years.

Occupation: Worked at a club as a cook.

Interesting Facts: Lillian is the oldest resident at Ecumen Bethany Community.

Congratulations on your 105th birthday, Lillian! Ecumen honors you.