Ecumen Century Club: Happy 103rd Birthday Orphea Mattsfield
Ecumen honors Orphea Mattsfield, a resident of Ecumen of Litchfield, who is 103.
Ecumen honors Orphea Mattsfield, who is 103.
Born: Nov. 5, 1911, in Ellsworth Township, Meeker County, Minn.
Residence: Ecumen of Litchfield.
Hobbies/Interests: Quilting, sewing, baking, gardening, playing cards. A small group gets together every evening in Orphea’s apartment for a card game.
Family: Married to Henry, now deceased, for 73 years.
Occupation: Worked on the family dairy farm for 24 years, then worked in the ASCS office in Litchfield.
Secrets of Longevity: Being kind. Being a good neighbor. Valuing family and friendships.
Interesting Facts: Orphea and Henry did not have children of their own. But when they sold the dairy farm to Alan West and his wife, they became “our children.” And their children became Orphea and Henry’s “grandchildren.”
Congratulations on your 103rd birthday, Orphea! Ecumen honors you.