Ecumen Century Club: Happy 101st Birthday Frieda Westphal

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Ecumen honors Frieda Westphal, aresident of Ecumen Pathstone Living, who is 101.

Ecumen honors Frieda Westphal, who is 101.

Born: October 24, 1913 in Mapleton, Minn.

Residence: Ecumen Pathstone Living.                           

Hobbies/Interests: Bingo, Wii bowling, reading the daily newspaper, word games, dancing (Polka, Waltz, Two-Step), and volunteer work.

Family: Married to Jack, now deceased, more than 50 years. 

Occupation: Frieda and Jack had a farm.

Secrets of Longevity: “I enjoy life, and I had a good husband.”

Interesting Facts: Loves babies and puppies.

Congratulations on your 101st birthday, Frieda! Ecumen honors you.

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