Ecumen Century Club: Happy 101st Birthday Evelyn LeSuer
Ecumen honors Evelyn LeSuer, a resident of Ecumen Bethany Community in Alexandria, Minn., who is 101.
Ecumen honors Evelyn LeSuer, who is 101.
Born: May 17, 1916, in Bertha, Minn.
Residence: Ecumen Bethany Community in Alexandria, Minn.
Hobbies/Interests: Cooking has been Evelyn’s passion her entire life. She used to cook in a restaurant in Glenwood, Minn. Also she enjoys crochet, baking cookies and playing bingo.
Family: Married to Arthur, now deceased. Four children and four grandchildren.
Secrets of Longevity: Following her life’s passions and being an ambitious person. “I don’t like sitting around. I get bored. I never thought I would get to be this old because I had Scarlet Fever when I was young.”
Occupation: Cook.
Interesting Facts: Evelyn has an infectious laugh and her entire body shakes when she laughs. She met her future husband when he brought ice to the restaurant where she worked. He was the ice man. One time he came to pick her up for a date and found her fast asleep. He waited and waited for her to wake up but finally gave up and left. Fortunately, he came back for another date and didn’t give up on her.
Congratulations on your 101st birthday, Evelyn! Ecumen honors you.