Ecumen Century Club: Happy 100th Birthday Lucille Ekstrand

Ecumen honors Lucille Ekstrand, a resident of Ecumen North Branch, who is 100.

Ecumen honors Lucille Ekstrand, who is 100.

Born: April 20, 1915, in Greeley, Minn.

Residence: Ecumen North Branch, North Branch, Minn.                      

Hobbies/Interests: Loves sewing, knitting and the outdoors.

Family: Married to Dennis, now deceased, for 47 years.  One child, three grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.

Secrets of Longevity: It runs in the family.

Occupation: Telephone operator.

Interesting Facts: Liked to dance.

Congratulations on your 100th birthday, Lucille! Ecumen honors you.