Ecumen Century Club: Happy 100th Birthday Bernice Winter

Ecumen honors Bernice Winter, a resident of Ecumen Bethany Community in Alexandria, Minn., who is 100.

Ecumen honors Bernice Winter, who is 100.

Born: June 9, 1917, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Residence: Ecumen Bethany Community in Alexandria, Minn.                           

Hobbies/Interests: Sewing, summer fishing, ice fishing, cooking, baking, canning and sharing what she makes.

Family: Widow, married to Eldred for 30 years.  Three sons, six grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

Occupation: Worked as a waitress “slingin’ hash” and had a resort on Lobster Lake that she ran for 50 years.

Secrets of Longevity: Hard work!

Interesting Facts: Still travels alone and enjoys visiting her son and daughter-in-law in Yuma, AZ.

Congratulations on your 100th birthday, Bernice! Ecumen honors you.