Tiger Woods and Nike Aren’t Honoring Tiger’s Dad, They’re Using Him

Yuck!  This Nike Tiger Woods ad is completely creepy. Nike and Tiger aren’t honoring Tiger’s dead dad; they’re using him.  Check it out.  What do you think?

Here’s the 30-second ad that features the voice of Earl Woods, Tiger’s father who died in 2006.  The commercial aired on ESPN and the Golf Channel on the eve of Woods’ return to competitive golf in Thursday’s opening round of the Masters.  Nike clearly used this simply to create buzz – it’s purposely a very limited run ad – that’s getting bloggers like us at Changing Aging to write about it.  In fact:  Nike is paying to promote it on YouTube.

Tiger . . . honor your dad  . . .stop shilling . . . sleep at home . . . play with your kids . . . and hit the ball straight.