Senator Al Franken on Long-Term Care Financing Reform

Great editorial in yesterday’s Minneapolis Star Tribune on long-term care financing reform.  Very nice to see the new Senator from Minnesota talk about it:

"Long-term care holds enormous opportunities for bipartisan compromise. So many Minnesotans — myself included — have had mothers, fathers and spouses who relied on these services during what are incredibly difficult times. There’s nothing partisan about caring for a loved one with dignity.”

Spot on.

Check out great Q&A in today’s New York Times on Congress Tackling Long-Term Financing Reform.  It’s with Barbara Manard, a health economist with the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging.  Their work has really been what has elevated this issue in Congress.

Do One Thing Today

Contact your Congressional members today.  It’s easy.  Let them know that long-term care financing reform must be part of health care reform.