The Future of Aging Services and Yelp

Do you yelp?Yelp is one of a growing number of websites where real people (customers) give real feedback on the real service (or lack thereof) they receive. If they love the service they get, they rave. If the service stinks, they let you know that, too. If the reviews are good, it’s the best possible, most authentic, least expensive advertising.Here’s an example of what someone yelped about regarding Abbot Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis: AWESOME HOSPITAL!!!This hospital as a whole is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!Many eons ago when I lived in MN (made & raised there!) I was hospitalized for several days.The entire staff was spectacular!My doctors were competent and did not have an ounce of arrogance in their souls!The entire team of nurses who cared for me were wonderful with their caring & compassionate manner.Every single one of the many nurses assigned to my care truly took pride in their profession and provided the utmost in quality care!Kudos to this hospital- you set a good example for other hospitals to follow!Here’s another one regarding the Veterans Administration Hospital:A well run facility; one of the best V.A. Hospitals in the country. I worked for them a few years ago, and it was very gratifying to see how organized and efficient they were. From the hospital to the oncology dept, to their clinical research dept, to the records office. Well trained and dedicated public employees doing their best to helps veterans and their families. It’s amazing what the government can do when it’s well funded and ran by dedicated and competent people.A Tool for the Aging Services ProfessionThere were just a couple of posts for health care; none for aging services. What a great tool for long-term care providers (or any business) to let their customers do the talking and then promote that talking. And, conversely, if it’s bad talking that’s happening, what an opportunity to do something about the problems they’re raising, so customers have a reason to say something nice.