Ecumen Century Club: Happy 102nd Birthday Lecil Arends

Ecumen honors Lecil Arends, a resident of Ecumen Meadows in Worthington, who is 102.

Ecumen honors Lecil Arends, who is 102.

Born: April 24, 1914, in Wilmont, Minn.

Residence: Ecumen Meadows, Worthington, Minn.                      

Hobbies/Interests: Gardening and traveling to foreign countries — England, Ireland, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Germany.

Family: Married to Jack, now deceased, for 33 years.  Eight children, 19 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren.

Secrets of Longevity: Faith in God.

Occupation: Farming and also worked at Campbell’s Soup of Worthington deboning chickens.

Interesting Facts: Very interested in staying in touch with the lives of her children and grandchildren.

Congratulations on your 102nd birthday, Lecil! Ecumen honors you.